Friday, November 29, 2019

Statutory Essay Example

Statutory Essay This research paper is intended to define what statutory rape is, its difference from the common rape case and its micro and macro effects. It also aims to give an opinion regarding the enforcement of the much controversial statutory rape laws, based on facts gathered from several sources- all of which would be acknowledged. In the succeeding pages, the researcher would be presenting definitions from several reliable sources. Also, the laws which would be stated in this paper would be taken from several states in the US wherein statutory rape is in the hot seat of the legal arena. These laws further exemplify either the under-enforcement or over-enforcement of statutory rape laws which many analysts and advocacies claim.An analysis of these allegations regarding the statutory rape laws would require the researcher to present the existing laws regarding statutory rape and criticize it in an objective manner through which the researcher would get both the weak and strong points of the laws passed regarding the said crime. The existing laws in this research paper would be based on different statutory rape laws passed in the US- paying particular attention to several states in which statutory rape and the laws revolving around it are of much issue and controversy.Furthermore, since the research would be based on the laws regarding statutory rape, it would be presumed that the laws are based on the constitution of the United States at large. However, the constitutionalities of these laws are not being questioned by this paper. Only the leniency or exaggeration of putting them into life and implementing them are being analyzed and given light.In this light, this paper would raise the following thesis questions:1.  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is statutory rape and how does it differ from an ordinary rape case?2.  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is the status quo of statutory rape in the United States?3.  Ã‚  Ã‚   How doe it affect the victim, the offender and the society, as well?4.  Ã‚  Ã‚   What laws are implemented regarding this crime and are these laws effectively enforced?5.  Ã‚  Ã‚   What proposals can we suggest in order to deter these occurrences in the society?INTRODUCTIONSexual offence can be compared to a very broad spectrum of light wherein each wavelength and light intensity differs from another. At one side, the intensity is weak and light while on the opposite side, it is dark and heavy. Sexual offences greatly vary in the same manner. Identifying a certain type of sexual offence depends on several significant data and circumstances- both objective and subjective. This certain offence may come in the form of the simplest exhibitionism, incest, up to the highest degree of a rape case.However, the most controversial type of rape as of these days is statutory rape. It is a type of sexual offence which may be under different circumstances however; it is defined as a crime of committing a sexual intercourse with a minor- whose age is still below the age of consent (AOC). Statutory rape may be interchangeably used with the terms carnal knowledge of a minor, corruption of a minor or rape of a child- all of which refer to the same crime.Statutory rape is a very concerning crime especially today because it is rising at an alarming rate. In the United States alone, it was estimated that two-thirds of all pregnancy to unmarried teenage girls are fathered by adult men- that is how rampant the problem is. It has been affecting many teenagers most especially in terms of the female. Also, the laws have been mostly targeting the teenage boys, in the public perspective- which make the age-gender group quite anxious when in fact; the statutory rape laws are aimed most commonly at adult males.Also, the increase of this crime’s likelihood makes the female teenager extra-cautious because of the high occurrence of the crime. However, statutory rape is not just focused on and limited to the common rape cases which involve harassment and violenc e casted upon the victim by the sexual offender. The differences and similarities between a common rape case and a statutory rape case will be defined in the succeeding lines.In this regard, there are a growing number of advocacies and even professionals which discusses and pushes the nation into fighting for the enforcement of statutory rape laws and deterring these sexual offenders from â€Å"preying into children†[1]. However, although there are laws regarding statutory rape, there are also people who are concerned regarding both the leniency and exaggeration of law enforcers in different cases of statutory rape. Also, many view these laws as impractical and not universal which therefore makes it not applicable to all sorts of statutory rape. Since statutory rape is a very complex case, it therefore needs extreme laws which should be universal and all-encompassing.COMMON RAPE CASE VS STATUTORY RAPEBased on the ideology that a person below the age of majority is not yet cap able of giving a sexual consent, the term statutory rape came into life. Before, in the medieval ages, there was already an existing idea for statutory rape since they believe that it is illegal to commit sexual intercourse with a maiden below the age of 12. As of these days, the age of consent for most states ranges from the age 14 to 18, with the age 16 as the mode[2].Statutory rape case differs from a common rape case due to several factors. First and foremost, the age is a vital determinant between the two cases. For example, in a sexual intercourse with a female below the age of consent, the possible case would be statutory rape. However, if the sexual assault occurred involving two persons both in the age of majority, the case would be a common rape case. Also, we should   put in mind that rape case is not just limited to a sexual offense wherein the victim is a female because a male rape also happens, though not as common as those which involves females as victims.Another d ifference is that sexual coercion need not be present in statutory rape since the child is still incapable of giving consent for sex. In this way, any sexual intercourse with a minor is deemed coercive even without overt coercion. Oppositely, in the case of a common rape case, coercion and force is necessary because the victim already has the capability of acquiescence.In this certain characteristic of statutory rape, a problem regarding laws preventing it arises because there are also cases wherein the teenage girl (in most cases) discloses to the authority that she has a mutual relationship with the man and gave him consent of having sex with her. This and other problems regarding the applicability of the statutory rape laws would be discussed in the succeeding pages.EFFECTS OF STATUTORY RAPE TO THE SOCIETYFatherlessnessSince statutory rape involves a coercive sexual intercourse involving a victim below the AOC, the first problem would be the increase in the likelihood of fatherle ssness in the country. Since marriage is still an illegal act for the minor, the child would be born without a father adding to the population of children in the custody of a single mother. Teen pregnancies out of wedlock is a very significant contributing factor to this concerning phenomenon.Teenage PregnancyTeenage pregnancy comes in the way when the victim gets pregnant after the offence without the blessing of marriage. In the statistics of the United States over the last thirty years, every year, there are about a million females in the age of 15-19 who get pregnant and more than 52% of these gives birth to the child (others either abort or miscarry it) and out of this 52% of women giving birth,72% are out of wedlock[3]. With this, the occurrences of a teenage mother struggling for providing a living to the child would increase at an alarming level.Welfare DependenceThird, the government budget would allocate a higher amount for the welfare of these children and mothers out of wedlock since it is the responsibility of the state to provide them life and assure them of their well-being in many aspects. This equates to the increase of welfare dependency of the citizens since many children are being given birth with these inherent conditions. Actually, teenage pregnancy and birth out of wedlock had already been identified as major obstacle to the nation’s health and state of well being because they eat up a pretty high percent of the state’s money.PovertyTeenage pregnancy and single-parenthood is clearly correlated with poverty and it is also true the other way around. Because of the picture of a mother struggling to provide for his child, poverty would be a very possible future awaiting them. Since statutory rape victims are seldom brought into the altar by the offenders, a life wherein two persons are working for their child’s life is next to impossible.Sexual AbuseAnd lastly, the most concerning effect of statutory rape is the coercion and sexual abuse casted upon the victims most especially the teenage girls. In fact, in a study regarding the teenage mothers of Washington revealed that two-thirds of the populations were victims of sexual abuse, statutory rape, and attempted rape prior to their pregnancy[4]. More than that, experiencing this crime is very detrimental to the psychological and social well-being of the victim making them inferior and feel as outcasts of the society.STATUTORY RAPE LAWSStatutory rape laws have been the subject of many controversies in the legal arena. Many are opposing it while others support it. There are many claims regarding its enforcement as very exaggerated while others claim that the enforcement is never taken seriously by the law enforcers.â€Å"In the United States, statutory rape laws vary from one state to another†. However, all laws revolve around an astounding principle: that a person below the age of consent is incapable of giving permission to someone for having sex with him or her. The age of consent varies from each state, too. Also, statutory rape need not be forceful and coercive which therefore means that even though the victim did not resist and even gave consent, as long as he or she is below the AOC- statutory rape is the crime committed and will always be filed against the person who is older- may it be male or female[5]. (Succeeding laws taken from Federal LawAt large, the federal laws on statutory rape revolve around the act of crossing state borders in order to have a â€Å"legal sex†. Since each state has a different AOC from another, there is a big possibility that the sex offender may bring the victim to a state where the act of coitus is deemed legal. It is stated in the federal law that having sex with a person under the age of consent is still illegal though the location of the intercourse is a place where the age of the victim is already considered legal. The same penalties still apply, meaning , conviction may lead to reclusion perpetua or even death penalty.The Kansas State LawIn the succeeding lines, different laws were obtained from several states where statutory rape has been much of an issue. First off is the state of Kansas where statutory rape is considered a felony when a person commits sex with a minor under the age of 14. However, Kansas laws also offer a lesser case which is called indecent liberties with a crime which applies to a sexual contact involving a child between the ages 14 and 16. The consequences of these crimes are much lesser than former crime. This special case called â€Å"indecent liberties with a child† would really catch attention because somehow, we can see a leniency in this law because it is a crime separate with statutory rape.Although it also involves the same circumstances- that an offender committed sex with a minor below the AOC, the consequences are less grave. Therefore, we can predict than in this law, there would be a view which holds that having sex with a child aged 14-16 may be a crime but is not as serious as sex with a child below 14. Also, with the less grave penalties for the special case, sexual offenders would have more potential in having sex with this age group (14-16). Also, this law failed to see that in a statutory rape case (as defined legally); age does not matter as long as it is below the age of consent. Therefore, sex with a child 14-16 years old is just the same with sex involving a child below 14- which means that the charges should not be diminished.The New York LawStatutory rape in New York is very similar to other states. Only that the laws in New York are more complicated than other states. With the age of the victim and the offender seriously considered, the laws in New York are really strict. There are three types of statutory rape for New York: the first, second and third degree- each varying depending on the age of the offender and the victim but similar in that the crime committed is sex with a minor even without brute force or coercion.Third degree rape is committed when an offender aged 21 or older commits sex with a minor at 17 years or younger. Second degree rape is when an 18 year old offender commits sex with a fifteen year old victim. And lastly, first degree rape- the most serious degree is commission of sex involving an offender (at any age) and a victim below 11 years old, OR, if the offender is 18 years old and commits sex with a thirteen years or younger. In the definitions of statutory rape in New York, we can see the seriousness of the law and its enforcement which is quite impressive however, in the part of the punishment; we can see an exaggeration of this law.In other states, punishments are not that complicated and are justifiable, in terms of being human. Like in Massachusetts, charge and conviction of statutory rape is punished with imprisonment no less than 18 months. In New York however, when convicted of this crime, the penalt y would be imprisonment anywhere from seven to twenty-five years. Considering the case, which is statutory rape, my opinion is that the punishment is quite exaggerated and over-enforced. Statutory rape, we should all remember, is having sex even with the permission of a person below the age of consent. In most cases, even the said to be â€Å"victim† discloses that he or she is also willing to have sex, although immaterial since the case is a statutory rape. However, I believe that the aim of the punishment is not about destroying the future of the offender but more of making him realize that having sex with a child below the AOC is illegal. Even at the least length of imprisonment which is seven years, the experience is already traumatic to the offender to the extent that his or her future is already destroyed just because of giving into the consent of the â€Å"victim†. We should also take into consideration that in some cases, because of the â€Å"victim’sâ €  willingness to have sex with the â€Å"offender† there are instances that the â€Å"victim† lies about his or her age so that the â€Å"offender† would not hesitate in taking his or her offer of having sex.The California Status QuoBased on national records, California recorded the highest rate of teenage pregnancy with two-thirds of the annual 70 000 child births identified with teenage mothers who were impregnated by adults 20 years and older. The prevention of California regarding statutory rape has been very strict and aggressive due to the fact that annually, California releases an amount ranging from $5-7 billion in aiding families started by teenagers[6]. The Californian local government is really doing their best because they believe in the projected outcome of a continued upward trend of teenage pregnancy brought about mostly by statutory rape that these children out of wedlock have a high tendency not to finish school, engage in drugs, and become the next generation of teenagers getting pregnant at an early age. .Aside from Kansas and New York Statutory Rape Laws and California, there are many other states which exhibit either the leniency or exaggeration of these laws. There are many other reasons why these laws are being deemed unlawful by many. Perhaps one reason of this occurrence is that Statutory Rape cases may or may not involve force and therefore, the verdict and penalty should also be based on these circumstances. The laws will not be able to fit all situations justifiably.In fact, even in history, rape laws have been claimed as limited laws and are unable to provide efficient and just results. In an article by Colb (2004), â€Å"she made use of a definition by British Jurist Matthew Hale which states that rape is an accusation easily to be made and hard to be proved and harder to be defended by the party accused, though never so innocent.[7]SUGGESTIONS FOR DETERRING STATUTORY RAPEStatutory rape is indeed a very c oncerning phenomenon in the society not only affecting the persons involved in the commission of the crime but even the society at large. The laws enacted by different states are in such turmoil which is why everyone needs to be aware of the pros and cons of statutory rape. Moreover, we should also consider these statutory rape laws only as aids in preventing these cases, as secondary interventions which we should regard to at the end of the day. The home is still the best institution which can help avoid these societal problems.First and foremost, educating the child is the most important part of awareness. Talking to the child regarding his or her problems and difficulties not only at home but even at school and in the society is a good way of helping your child out of these kinds of mess. Since many teenagers resort to sex because of their personal problems, talking your child out is very necessary.Also, being open with the child’s life especially with her relationship wit h his or her boyfriend or girlfriend is a big help because as parents, you are the one’s who should supervise and be one with all that is happening to the child, be it small or big events. Giving them advice on things most especially on things regarding sex is a good start in preventing teenage pregnancies.PROPOSALS FOR EFFECIENCY OF LAWSSince the laws regarding statutory rape cases are being put into hot seats, it would be necessary to make these laws more efficient and create a new image of justifiability and goal-oriented.First is about creating a law which increases the penalty of the crime however being faithful to the circumstances and considering every detail of the offense. It is also important that the age between the offender and the victim be greatly emphasized and that the consent that the victim to have been given should also be nevertheless given a little consideration.Also, as stated earlier, statutory rape increases welfare dependency and cuts a lot of money f rom the government fund.   In this connection, it is also ideal to impose civil sanctions and punishments to the offender so that the victim and the child (if there is) can be given protection and resources for their treatment like psychological treatment in case trauma resulted to the incidence.Lastly, it would also be considerable to raise the age of consent to the age of 18 so that the prosecution of these cases would be easier and significant to common rape cases. Also, it would help in regaining the relationship of sex and marriage since the age 18 is the legal age of marriage in almost all countries. Re-linking sex with the context of marriage may be achieved through this, thus raising the morality of people in terms of sexual relationship with their partners.CONCLUSIONStatutory rape is indeed a very sensitive issue nowadays. It is climbing at a very concerning rate and positively, the government has provided laws which will help deter these happenings.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã ‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, although laws are being passed and implemented, their enforcement is not that reliable. Even the laws themselves are somehow incapable of ruling and fitting all cases into one.In this light, statutory rape programs by the government are already being created so that these things will be intervened primarily and would not get into the point of convicting persons and penalizing them into jail. Although the government is the primary mover of preventing these things, people should also remember their integral role in molding their children into productive members of the society.ENDNOTES:Boyer, D., Fine D. â€Å"Sexual Abuse as a Factor in Adolescent Pregnancy and Child Maltreatment,† Family Planning Perspectives, January/February 1992, 24.Colb, Sherry F. â€Å"The pros and cons of statutory rape laws: A 10 year sentence for Marcus Dwayne Dixon†. 2004. Retrieved last October 23, 2007 from olb.statutory.rape/index.html.Daniels, M. and Englund, D. â€Å"Statutory Rape: When Adults Prey Sexually Upon Children.† Massachusetts Family Institute, 1997.Department of Health Services, Atlas of Births to California Teens and â€Å"Putting the Jail in Jailbait,† Time, 1/29/1996.Juvenile Rights Project of the American Civil Liberties Union, â€Å"The Strange World of Statutory Rape,† Children’s Rights Report, Vol 2, No. 6, 1978 as cited in article â€Å"Can Statutory Rape Laws Be Effective in Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy?† by Patricia Donovan, Family Planning Perspectives, Vol 29, No. 1 January/February 1997).M. Oberman, â€Å"Gender Issues and the Criminal Law: Turning Girls Into Women: Reevaluating Modern Statutory Rape Law,† Northwestern School of Law Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 85: 15-87, 1994, as cited in article â€Å"Can Statutory Rape Laws Be Effective in Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy?† by Patricia Donovan , Family Planning Perspectives, Vol 29, No. 1 January/February 1997.Rebecca Maynard ed. â€Å"Kids Having Kids: A Robin Hood Foundation Special Report on the Costs of Adolescent Childbearing,† The Robin Hood Foundation, New York, 1996, p. 1.

Monday, November 25, 2019

George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia Essays

George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia Essays George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia Essay George Tenet and and the Last Great Days of the Cia Essay The Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) is an independent United States Government bureau who are responsible for supplying national security intelligence to senior United States policymakers ( CIA. 2007 ) . Since the 1960’s and World War II. foreign intelligence has been of import to the United States since the yearss of President George Washington. that such attempts have been coordinated on a government-wide degree. The Central Intelligence Agency Act was passed in 1949. which supplemented the 1947 Act. allowing the Agency more powers. The bureau was permitted to utilize confidential financial and administrative processs and was exempted from many of the usual restrictions on outgos. Therefore. leting financess to now be accounted in budgets of other sections and so transferred to the Agency without limitations. while guaranting the secretiveness of the CIA’s budget. which is an of import consideration in covert operations. The Act created a D irector of Central Intelligence ( DCI ) as caput of the Intelligence Community. caput of the CIA. and chief intelligence advisor to the president. with the extra duty of safeguarding intelligence beginnings and methods. The 1947 Act besides. restricted the CIA’s internal security maps. The CIA carries out its duties which are capable to assorted directives and controls by the President and the National Security Commission. Established in 1953. Congress amended the National Security Act to supply for the assignment of the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence ( DDCI ) by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate. which the DDCI assists the manager and besides exercised the powers of the manager during the absence of the DCI ( CIA. 2007 ) . The CIA had suffered from so many inconsistent leadings. as direct consequence of the leading and surrender of George Tenet. there was a demand to do commissariats. therefore o better effectivity and efficiency. Under the new Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. the places of DCI and DDCI were abolished. and the occupation of Director of the Central Intelligence Agency ( D/CIA ) was established ( CIA. 2007 ) . Why was the CIA was reformed? : President G. W. Bush and his disposal began military action against Iraq on March 19. 2003. and the government of Saddam Hussein fell on April 9. After several studies by the United Nations ( UN ) arms inspectors on their work under U. N. Security Council Resolution 1441 ( November 8. 2002 ) . the U. N. Security Council did non hold to authorise usage of force against Iraq. All inspectors were withdrawn. and the United States. and Britain launched a military offense against Iraq on March 19. 2003. SaddamHussein’s government vacated Baghdad onApril 9. In July 2003. with virtually no Weapons of Mass Destruction ( WMD ) was discovered in Iraq since the war. a argument in Congress and in the media intensified over the quality and presentation of pre-war intelligence on Iraq’s WMD and the justification for war ( Katzman. 2003 ) . How did the Iraq war came about? George Tenet was a public decision maker. an appointive officer of the executive subdivision of the federal authorities as Director of the Central Intelligence ( DCI ) for the President of the United States. Tenet was foremost appointed as a cabinet member for President Bill Clinton Administration. and was confirmed by the Senate as the Director of Central Intelligence. sworn in as the 18th DCI. so continued as DCI for George W. Bush disposal. which he served from 1997 until 2004. The demands for fulling the responsibilities of DCI appllied at all times. it did non count if the President you were functioning was Democratic or Republican. you were still expected to continue the same unity. and do an honest occupation accurately. efficaciously and efficently. As the Director of Central Intelligence ( DCI ) . Tenet had a moral responsibility and duty to the American people associating to the responsibilities of his several office with respects to the involvement of the populace and the general public assistance. The most of import duty that he had was to be true to himself so to the American people. to humanity of the universe. to the Constitution and democracy. to the jurisprudence. and to the Nation. The exepctations of Tenet was to be true at all times particularly as an cardinal intelligence officer. However. he told the utlimate prevarication that cost 1000s of American soildiers lives. wounded soldiers and cost the federal authorities one million millions of dollars by intensifying the Iraq War by torting the intelligence estimation. Tenet played a cardinal function in selling the Iraq war fiasco to the American people as to doing the Iraq war justifiable when he knew there were no grounds of chemical. biological or atomic Weapons of Mass Destruction. which would hold posed a menace to the United States. Tenet’s ends. waies. responsibilities and responsibilites with regard to the national intelligence attempt was to describe to the President in a timely mode and supply accurate information about the activities. capablenesss. programs. and purposes of foreign powers. organisations. and individuals and their agents. which is indispensable to the national security of the United States. He was suppose to utilize all sensible and lawful agencies. which must be used to guarant ee that the United States will have the best intelligence available in order to supply for the effectual behavior of United States intelligence activities ( CIA. 2007 ) . He fail to make so. Typically. those who work for the CIA holds a really sure and respected places because they are expected to be true at all times and uphold the codifications of moralss. To be appointed caput of an really of import. and pretigious place. to function as caput of the United States intelligence community was seen as a great award. When a individual keeping the place of DCI fails to state the truth it discredits them as being worthy to function in that place efficaciously. it fundamentally discredits he or she as a public decision maker bewraying the trust of the American people. Dogma did the right thing. which was to vacate as DCI because he could no longer be trusted as a authorities functionary. But he took a long clip to do the determination to make the right thing because he did non cognize which manner to turn. other than to play and travel along to acquire along with the Bush Administration. Tenet played a cardinal function in selling the Iraq war fiasco to the American people as to doing the Iraq war justifiable when he knew there were no grounds of chemical. biological or atomic Weapons of Mass Destruction. which would hold posed a menace to the United States. Tenet’s ends. waies. responsibilities and responsibilites with regard to the national intelligence attempt was to describe to the President in a timely mode and supply accurate information about the activities. capablenesss. programs. and purposes of foreign powers. organisations. and individuals and their agents. which is indispensable to the national security of the United States. He was suppose to utilize all sensible and lawful agencies. which must be used to guarantee that the United Tates will have the best intelligence available in order to supply for the effectual behavior of United States intelligence activities ( CIA. 2007 ) . He fail to make so. At assorted times. public decision makers will be face with quandary and will hold their ethical motives tested but are expected to follow organisational protocols. act consequently to the demands of an efficient and effectual organisation inspite of what their personal beliefs may imply. Tenet showed greater trueness to the President and to hispolitica interior circle which was more than his trueness to his agency’s analysis study and finally. his trueness to the truth and his duty to hold the truth heard ; instead they wanted to hear it or non ( White ) . By leting the intelligence estimation procedure to be politicize into doing the analyse suit the docket of the policy ends that the Bush disposal wanted. which was an analysis to do claim that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction ( WMD ) merely to meet the Iraq war. sabotaging the objectiveness and professionalism of the intelligence procedure and non accurately stand foring the work of the intelligence community. It is believed that no affair what Tenet might hold said. the determination to travel to war was already made to occupy Iraq particularly. after he 911terriorist onslaught on the World Trade Center. It was unsafe and unethical for the Bush disposal to coerce the intelligence community to falsify their professional opinion to back up the short -term policy ends. endangering their ain best beginning of intelligence and seting the United States long-run national security involvement at hazard. Tenet fail to provide accurate information to the President which causesd the Iraq war controversey. He reported in the intelligence estimation that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Calendar months before the United States onslaught on Iraq. US main arms inspector Hans Blix and more than 400 United Nations inspectors. every bit good as. the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) inspectors who conducted over 750 reviews at 550 sites. All inspectors failed to happen any grounds of any WMD or plans. there was no at hand menace from atomic devices. and no premises for a war alternatively they were told by the US to acquire out of state because war was about to begun before th e review could be throughly completed ( Katzman. 2003 ) . 3. The article compares to the instance analysis survey of The Blood on McNamara Hands and Conscience by Jay Shafritz. and the article of the Two Presidencies by Aaron Waldavsky. Robert McNamara and George Tenet both were similar in so many ways. they both neer ran for any political office. worked as an intelligence officer. molded American foreign policy. nor earned academic certificates by authoring scholarly publications. The chief comparing is that they both put self before the state. neer huffy any skip of guilt. and was non honorable about the failures they had made merely made alibis for their actions. They both did non hold a expansive. obliging scheme refering universe aff poses. nor did they seek one. was rawness with foreign and defence policies. was non suffiently and adequately prepared for a war. Both work forces played a major function in intensifying the war that should of neer been taken topographic point. portrayed themselves as a hapless. miserable politicize victims who knew the truth at the clip and wanted to state the truth. but. somehow. had no pick but to travel along. which weaken their credibleness by non stating the truth and standing up to the President with the truth as an effectual leader. They both had guiltless blood on their custodies. both had a bad wont of frequently stating people what they wanted to hear. but non what they needed to hear and cognize. deceived the Amer ican people. the President and office that they held. they both resigned after holding told such a atrocious prevarication that cost many soldiers lives. handicapped soldiers and guiltless civilian lives. They both seemed to hold jobs covering with the issues of the war which showed a mark of them havng a scruples because they did the incorrect thing but knew to make the right thing. They were hated work forces. and seen as prevaricators who got lost in their mission and ends of the bureau. They both felt the demand to compose books. movies and memoirs in some manner being excusatory and switching the incrimination on the President and others still non being able to acknowledge that they were wholly responsible for intensifying the war. as if talking out now would do a difference. Both work forces could of hold stopped the war from being created. alternatively they stood and ticker. but did nil in someway about like they wanted to be seen as an of import figure in America’s war history merely to be considered as war felons. Largely. they both were more concern about the political effects instead than talking truth to power and inquiring the difficult inquiries that needed to be replies. During the clip. when the state needed them the most to expose moral bravery. they fail. In add-on. Tenet proudly receives a decoration of award for lieing. and standing by mutely watching other’s prevarication about the Iraq war. In mention to the article. the Two Presidencies it related to George Tenet because the article negotiations about the President being concern about foreign and defence policies and domestic policies. whereas. the President is most concern about foreign and defence constabularies. The article besides indicates that most democrate President be given to concentrate more on peace and domestic policies while Republic President likes controversey. Here we see Tenet working in the democratic disposal efficaciously making his occupation and concentrating on ends of the bureau. and standing up to the President Clinton on of import decision-making. However. things seemed to alter for him in the Bush disposal as it relates to the Two Presidencies of how republican Presidents are more interested in foreign and defence policies. Harmonizing to Tenet. the Bush disposal had more of a traditional. and perhaps more appropriate. position sing the CIA’s engagement ( White ) . Unlike. President Clinton who did non look to hold much involvement in the CIA and Tenet was non required to describe to him daily. he preferred to read the day-to-day intelligence estimation on his ain. On the other manus. President Bush was fascinated by the CIA. and needed Tenet to personally describe to him each forenoon at 8 A. M. to brief the day-to-day intelligence estimation. As Tenet became more profoundly involved in supplying the day-to-day intelligence estimation to President Bush and go toing White House policy meetings. he no longer was able to concentrate on ends of reconstructing the CIA because there was non adequate clip in the twenty-four hours for him to give himself to being a spymaster. Alternatively. he was politically perplexing his function as DCI. passing his clip seeking to be a diplomat delighting the President and making something that was non at that place ; as if he had to play along to acquire along with the disposal. 4. Most significantly. Tenet leading accomplishments was weak as a public decision maker. A public decision maker demands to hold clear ends. responsibilities. waies. and responsibilites. Tenet weaken his credibleness as the Director of Central Intelligence and of the bureau by non telling the truth about Saddam Hussein holding Weapons of Mass Destructions. This showed that he was incompetent of bring forthing accurate intelligence analysis on complex planetary issues. Another failing that Tenet shown was that he did non believe that the CIA made constabularies they merely implemented them. It is of import for an decision maker to non be confused about the functions of his or her occupation. Public decision makers are the one’s who are behind the scenes. who are responsible for ordaining most of the policy alterations ; tasked with accomplishing bureau missions and supplying public service in the heat of such political environments. Understanding the political branchings facing elected functionaries in visible radiation of bureaucratic procedures and concluding recommendations is indispensable to carry throughing bureau undertakings and accomplishing success ( Clary. 2010 ) . Administrator who are higher up in the organisational construction. by and large understand the construct of political relations policy determination doing sing to the results of how certain determinations are made. Clearly. Tenet did non understand policy preparation. He thought that the occupation of the intelligence community was merely to garner intelligence. base on balls it along to those who were responsible for doing and make up ones minding policies ; make up ones minding what should be done on the footing of the intelligence estimation. which had been prepared and gathered for them and so transmitted to them. When in fact his bureau was apart of the decison-making procedure because doing foreign and defence policies was based upon the intelligence estimation. Apparently. he did non understand that the intelligence appraisal underlayed the administration’s determination to travel to war in Iraq nor considered how much his bureau contributed to doing policies on complex planetary issues. Tenet showed strength when he served in the Clinton disposal. At assorted times. he showed a explosion of fortitude to standing up to what he believed. as when he stood up to President Clinton and insisted that he non let go of convicted undercover agent Jonathan Pollard or he would vacate. But appeared weak when he told President Bush that he opposed a address to be given by Vice President Cheney that linked Iraq and al-Qaeda engagement in the 911attack on the World Trade Center. He did non object to the abuse of the intelligence analysis for political docket. nor did he hold the bravery to vacate when information was misused. Basically. he neer gave an sentiment nor opposed the Iraq war. As a civil retainer one is expect to give support to all. the re is no separation between partizan. policies and disposal in pattern of public service on all degrees of authorities ( Nigro. 2007 ) . Dogma was good known under the premise that he was bipartizan because he neer truly discourse what association that he belong to with friends nor at work. His assignment as DCI with the Bush disposal. took him out of his character by going excessively involved in political relations and the political inner circle. particularly as the DCI. he should hold remained neutral/ bipartisan. avoided direct engagement and struggle in foreign defence policy doing tobe able to efficaciously make his occupation alternatively he was acting as if he was a congressional staff member working at the pleasance of the President. As a public Administrator holding effectual leading accomplishments and schemes ie indispensable to the disposal. Tenet made himself look unqualified and artful when made the statment that the place of Director of Central Intelligence was excessively large for one individual. so in the terminal he merely proved that it excessively large for him. The lesson and deduction that the article provides that can be taken to today’s universe state of affairss is that we all have a consciencious and the moral duties to make what is r ight. One of the greatest lessson is to ever be true to yourself. ever tell the truth because a prevarication will fall and plume comes before a autumn. Once a individual is perceived to be a prevaricator. no 1 wants to hear anything that he or she have to state because their is distrust. One should ever take answerability for their actions and assume duties of their actions. Peoples want to fulfill and delight their foreman but does it intend that you have to halt believing in what you believe to be right or incorrect? Stand up for what you believe irrespective of who it possibly. Members of the calling service are bond to follow the leading of the President as caput of the executive subdivision of authorities and commanding officer in head of the armed forces ( Stillman. 2010 ) . Even though he may be the President of the United States. a individual still have stand for what is he or she knows to be right. regardless of who the individual possibly and non be a coward. Mentions Katzman. K. . ( 2003 ) . Irak: Weapons Programs. U. N. Requirements. and U. S. Policy. Congressional Research Service ? The Library of Congress. From hypertext transfer protocol: //fpc. province. gov/documents/organization/22888. pdf Clary. M. . ( 2009 ) . The Importance of Understanding the Politics of Public Administration. hypertext transfer protocol: //aspanational. wordpress. com/2009/09/04/the-importance-of-understanding-the-politics-of-public-administration. Cardinal Intelliegence Agency. ( 1981 ) . The Provisions of Executive Order 12333: United States Intelligence. Activities. Appear at 46 FR 59941. 3 CFR. Comp. . p. 200. From World Wide Web. Central Intelligence Agency. gov. Nigro. L. . Nigro. F. . and Kellough J. E. . ( 2007 ) . The New Republic

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Women's Place in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women's Place in Society - Essay Example The wife loses her original self in her attempt to come up to the expectations of the husband, yet the husband considers it her duty and thus, does not owe her a â€Å"thank you†. The tragedy is that this discrimination on the basis of genders is all man-built. God had created men and women equal to each other. In this paper, Grimke’s contentions about women that she mentioned in her letters have been explored. 1. For a lot of reasons, status of the woman in the society has been deemed similar to that of a slave. The document mentions several laws that guide upon the way a woman has to be dealt with in different circumstances. Presence or absence of her husband in the surroundings or his approval or disapproval of her actions makes a fundamental difference in the legal status of a woman’s actions. In this document by Sarah Grimke, woman has been considered as so weak as compared to the man that her self is considered to get merged into that of her husband after m arriage. Since marriage unites the two souls into one, man has been discouraged to offer anything to woman as a present because if he does so, it is thought of as an action to separate the woman from his own self. Even the law does not hold a man chargeable for anything that a wife asks him for except what is basic, though a man is free to waste his resources and money on gambling and fulfilling his lustful desires. A woman may not seek treatment if she gets injured until her husband approves of. Like a master pays for the injuries inflicted on a servant, a husband is responsible for the expenses incurred by a woman for her injuries. Even if she provides sufficient evidence that her husband made her do a certain crime, the woman is believed to have violated the eighth commandment. When she claims a bond with man, the two are considered one. In cases when the woman tends to get her separate self acknowledged, she is considered inferior to the man. Despite that, when found guilty of a crime, she is deemed liable for the punishment of the same level of severity as is inflicted upon the men in their case. 2. Human perception and remembrance of the difference between genders remain profound when a man and a woman interact with each other. Thus, the way a woman is approached by a man is a considerably blow to her dignity. Man favors woman to address her weaknesses, and once he earns her appreciation, he uses her for his own purposes. God has made man and woman equal. Therefore, in order to be best able to benefit from each other’s societies, it is imperative that man and woman interact with each other with no regard to sex. Women’s intellectual abilities have conventionally been underestimated by men and they have been used as domestic products. Women themselves are also partly responsible for this injustice since they have allowed men to treat them that way. By stepping into the society and socializing with people to do good to them and spread the mes sage of the Creator, women would only add to their purity and would be able to optimize on their intellectual abilities and oratory skills. Besides, woman assumes a very important role in the familial structure in that she is the manager of the house and the nurturer of the children that are the building blocks of the society. Concluding all that has been discussed above, women have been forced to live as slaves to men. Although they were born with the same level of intellectual ability as that of men, yet they were forbidden to explore their abilities by the men. Women’s low status in the society can be fundamentally attributed to their own submissiveness to the men. If women want to live on an equal footing with

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Early Childhood Teacher Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Early Childhood Teacher - Essay Example A good early childhood teacher should have an understanding of what he or she needs to accomplish with his or her students. While the typical knowledge is that teachers need to impart knowledge like a person stocking meat inside a sausage casing, I believe that they should be more aware of the fact that students have this innate capability to learn and reason out. Thus, learning does not necessarily mean spoon feeding the children with the things that they need to know where the teacher takes an active role and the students wait passively. Teachers should be able to elucidate knowledge from the children by stimulating their young minds and enabling them to learn. The children need to take an active part in learning. They should not be there only to accept what the teacher imparts to them but they should be able to enhance their capabilities of bringing out the innate capacity to think and reason out. One of the best examples of this is Socrates' dialectics where he constantly asks questions to youth enabling him to stimulate their reasoning abilities. He makes his student's realize that they are capable of thinking beyond and out of the box (Socratic Seminars 2008). In a school setting, this should be used to small children in order for them to acquire the ability to depend themselves through rational thinking. For example, instead of directly saying that gravity pulls everything into the earth surface, the teacher should ask students what happens when something is dropped. Then follow it up with why they think it is so. Then, he or she could explain that this is because of a force which pushes everything down. The good teacher can also ask students instances when they think that the law of gravity is violated. Small children are very good imitators. In fact, they often learn things that they directly see in their parents, teachers, and other persons making up their immediate environment. Imitating words and actions are their way of learning and exploring their environment. Because of this, a good early childhood education teacher is one who lives up to what he or she teaches inside the classroom. A teacher should teach through his or her good example. It should be noted that when parents send their children to school, it is not just the mental and intellectual capacity which they expect to nourish but also their children's character. Thus, it is important that the teacher's attitude and behavior mirrors a decent individual who is morally excellent. A good early childhood teacher should be able to display a character which is pleasing to every parent or student. He or she should be aware that her actions will strongly impact and shape the moral development of his or her students. Name calli ng, bad words, impatience, dishonesty, and unfairness have no place inside a classroom where small children are intended to become decent citizens (Muir 2007). A teacher should be able to back by her actions the words that he or she preaches inside the classroom. It is irrefutable that small children honor and respect their teachers even more than their parents because of their knowledge. They see their mentors as

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Exploration and Advancement of the Concept of Trust in Nursing Research Paper

The Exploration and Advancement of the Concept of Trust in Nursing - Research Paper Example Graduate nurses were employed in this research. A graduate nurse is a nurse working for first year after completion of their degree program and they are on a house job. The method incorporated included qualitative description. Seven nurses took part in the research. The criterion was currently working nurses, practicing their house jobs in Melbourne hospital and registered as division of nursing branch. Purposeful sampling strategy was used. The purposeful sampling focuses on selecting a population who will illuminate the question under studies. The finding was that they had no experience after their graduation of the trust and faced problems treating their patients. What led to develop a confidence in their patient was described in four steps which fostered their relation like building a rapport, focusing on improved communication skills and time taken in building of successful trust (Belcher and Jones, 2009). The Concept of â€Å"Trust† â€Å"You will get better with this m edicine†, â€Å"consult a doctor†, â€Å"look for a psychiatrist he better knows your problems† etc. these statements show a part of the trust we share with the public around us. Trust is a person’s ability to predict what others will do next or what circumstance can come next. However, the scope of trust is being neglected in the circle of science for long as it relates to spiritual concept having no particular strategy to weigh down its crucibles in professional fields such as healthcare (Mok and Pui, 2004). Scientific study for the concept was mandatory to highlight the importance and hence, improve the relationships among the people at workplace or a highly trust dependent field of healthcare, sociology, physiology etc. In health care, three actors play a crucial role in the ‘trust’ play. They are the state, the healthcare practitioner and the patient and other disciplines are likewise. For better service, trust is both a virtue and an obl igation; hence it is a crucial factor in therapeutic relationship. There has been a lot said and discussed about the concept, but the gravity of ‘trust† ideology remains unrecognized. For this purpose, instead of more and more verbal war and never-ending discussions, a scientific approach to test the ‘trust’ hypothesis is established, to negate the skeptics related to the social issue in field of science and, to offer a concrete ground for the hypothesis to stand upon in healthcare sciences. The concept is researched by the way of social sciences research strategy as it is a complicated research to test the concepts. The methods chosen consisted of four basic phases. First is the analysis of the concepts by collected data then concept advancement is made by making principles based on initial analysis. The concept is then examined in the light of the principles. Finally, reviewing the researched data, therapeutic definitions are made. In the first step the co ncept is developed and analyzed by using review of the specific literature (Hupcey, et. al., 2002). Methods of concept analysis were undertaken to develop the concept of trust; like analytic questioning was employed which lead to the emergence of such issued that could help in determining the level of maturity of the concept of trust. Other than employing analytic questioning, congruence is searched for across the fields to look for common theoretical basis or ‘linkages’ in the literature of nursing, medicine, psychology and sociology (Hupcey, et. al., 2002). The analysis generated results that in a lay man’

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Geert Hofstede vs Fons Trompenaars

Geert Hofstede vs Fons Trompenaars Introduction How do we market in different cultures? Although we have done many researches about the different cultures, marketing, which is as a discipline, has lagged behind other researches in recognizing the need for it. Before we have found the importance of marketing in different cultures, usually, the approach for marketing was too simple, and we often use the economic theory to explain facts and solve problems, however, international marketing and management is a kind of practical work, which is different from the economic research. Firstly, we always assume that tastes, preferences, and habits are transferable between different countries; secondly, it also implies that we can do the trade freely in different countries. In the end of 20th century, we began to lay more emphasis on the influence of cultural differences, and more research have been done about the cultural differences. Take wine as an example, even now wine has become a global product, it still takes the French at least ten t imes longer to chose the right vintage and grape combination than it does the Dutch, who tend to be more focused on price. If we ignore this kind of difference, wine producers cannot success in both countries. The researches about cultural differences of marketing are still a new field. The first serious book on the subject of the cultural aspects of marketing was written by Jean-Claude Usunier in 1997. In this book, he mainly compares the differences between cultural systems and refers that culture is also a factor affecting business, like other socio-political,. financial, ecological, and legal factors. However, Usunier does not resolve the dilemmas and offer practical solutions. Culture, based on our research at Trompenaars Hampden-Turner, is different from what describe in Usuniers theory, which is not simply a factor like most processes in the transactional environment. The factor of culture challenges the fundamental strategy of marketing, customer relations management, definition of product, price, advertisement and other business processes. In short, culture is all pervading. However, so far there are a few famous approaches to the whole subject of cultures and their classification and generalization, that can be employed in developing a truly transnational approach to marketing. The ones that we are going to discuss and compare further are those of Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars. Geert Hofstede and Fons Trompenaars: biographies and theories Geert Hofstede He is a dutch psychologist and writer who was born in 1928. Hofstede was interested in the influence of culture on peoples behaviour. He was inspired by the Culturalism (a trend which dominated the American sociology from the 1930s to the 1950s). The culturalists qualify culture as the way of thinking, feeling and acting of a human group, which was acquired and transmitted by symbols and which represents its specific identity. (donner sources de la citation) Geert Hofstede explains the origins of the differences in behaviours, which can tend to problems. As we grow up and live in a multi-cultural world, we have to understand why people from different nations act differently. This question is very important in business when a company from a certain country has to deal with a company from another country, or even within a company which is composed by employees from different nations, we have to know how to act and communicate. Hofstede wrote several books: Cultures consequences (1984), Cultures and Organizations: Software of the mind (1992), co-authored by his son Gert Jan Hofstede. To explain and solve the problems engendered by people from different cultures living or working together, he included 5 factors of cultural differentiation: individualism/collectivism, masculinism/feminism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance and long term/short term orientation. According to Hofstede, these 5 criteria explain the disparities between the nations and the individuals. He applied his theories to all the countries in the world. Hofstede used his culture dimensions by examining work related values in employees of IBM during the 1970s. Fons Trompenaars Fons Trompenaars is a Dutch author in the field of cross-cultural communication. His books include: Seven Cultures of Capitalism (1993), Riding the Waves of Culture (1998), Building Cross-Cultural Competence (2000), 21 Leaders for the 21st Century (2001) and Innovating in a Global Crisis (2009). Trompenaars studied Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam and later earned a Ph.D. He experienced cultural differences first-hand at home, where he grew up speaking both French and Dutch, and then later at work with Shell in nine countries, where he worked for 7 years as the director of the Human resources. At this moment, he wrote The Multi-cultural company (1993) in which he explains his theories. According to him, international companies tend to standardize their management functioning because of globalisation, and impose this way of thinking to their subsidiaries. Problems in companies appear as they dont take care about the cultural differences of employees and certain ways of managing are not appropriate to certain cultures. He defines culture as the way a human group solve its problems. Taking the example of Geert Hofstede and modifying his theories, he invented with Charles Hampden-Turner the 7 dimensions of cultural differentiations: universalism/particularism, individualism/communitarianism, affective/neutral, specific/diffuse, achievement/ascription, sequential/synchronic, internal/external control. These are the 7 criteria of cultural differentiation which have an impact on the management trends. He shows how to manage complexity in a heterogeneous environment, which is a major challenge for todays international managers and corporate leaders as well as a critical component of long term success. He explains how to reconcile cultural differences, which will lead to competitive advantage. Trompenaars wrote The Seven Cultures of Capitalism in which he applies his methods to 7 countries (France, Germany, US, Japan, Netherlands, UK and Sweden). Hofstedes dimensions of culture It is often said that, deep inside, all people are the same. But they are not. Actually, everyone is very different from the others. For those who work in international business, it is sometimes very hard to adapt, because people can live in very different ways. Therefore, if you go abroad and make decisions based on how you usually operate in your own country, there are obvious chances you dont act properly. Geert Hofstedes researches permit us to understand easier other cultures, so we can be more effective when interacting with people all around the world. For example, in some coutries, à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½yesà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ means à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½I hear youà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ more than à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½I agreeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Stereotyping can have intense negative effects, especially when managers make fewer attempts to involve those of other cultures. Hofstede led a study on the IBM employees, in more than 50 countries. Its goal was to identify the major differences in mental programming. This worldwide analysis made him realize that there were five fundamental differences between the societies, which he called five dimensions: Low vs. High Power Distance Index (PDI) This dimension measures the degree of equality, or inequality, between people of one society ; and how much the less influent members accept the hierarchy. The institutions or organizations where less powerful members accept power is distributed unequally will have a high PDI. This is also often indicating that the governments allowed inequalities to grow within the society (ex: Malaysia). Those countries will be more likely not to allow significant upward mobility of its citizens, because they accept autocratic and paternalistic relations. A low PDI indicates the society tends to reduce the differences between citizens power and wealth. In those cultures (ex: Austria, Denmark), people expect power relations that are more democratic. They relate to others regardless of formal positions, such as if they were consulting them. Subordinates are more comfortable with contributing to and criticizing the decisions of those who are hierarchically higher. Individualism vs. Collectivism (IDV) It focuses on how much people of a society define themselves apart from their group, and on how much the country emphasizes individual or collective achievements. A High Individualism ranking indicates that people are expected to develop and to be proud of their personalities and their choices. People often tend to form a higher number of looser relationships in those societies. A Low Individualism ranking typifies societies where the individuals are more likely to act as a member of a group (ex: family, town, profession). This collectivist nature tends to develop relationships between individuals, and reinforce à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½extended familiesà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Masculinity vs. feminity (MAS) This dimension measures the degree the society reinforces the traditional masculine work role model (as understood in most Western countries) or not. A High Masculinity ranking indicates the country gives a high importance on traditional male values (such as ambition, accumulation of wealth and power). Those societies emphasize high gender differentiation. In these cultures, males dominate a significant portion of the society, while females are under domination. In the opposite case, a low MAS will indicate that the society de-emphasizes the gender differentiation. In those countries, females are treated equally to males in all aspects of the society. The valuable things are relationships and quality of life. This strong opposition between the quantity values (masculine societies) and the quality values (feminine societies) led many users of Hofstedes work to rename this index the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Quantity of Life vs. Quality of lifeà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Low vs. high Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) It focuses on the level people try to cope with stress by fighting uncertainty and ambiguous situations within the society. A high UAI indicates a rule-oriented society, where citizens prefer explicit laws, rules and controls, in order to reduce the amount of uncertainty (ex: religion, food industry). A Low Uncertainty Avoidance ranking indicates the country has less concern about ambiguity and has a greater tolerance for informal situations. This is reflected in a society that is less rule-oriented, where people value implicit or flexible guidelines. Michael Harris Bond subsequently found a fifth dimension which was originally called à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Confucian dynamismà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. Hofstede later integrated this into his dimensions of culture as : Long-Term vs. Short-Term Orientation (LTO) It focuses on the degree a society attaches importance to a future oriented perspective rather than a short-term point of view. In other words, this index describes the à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½time horizonà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ of a society (future vs. past and present). A high LTO characterizes countries where people value the behaviors that affect the future, such as perseverance, thrift and shame. (ex: Asian countries). Those societies are often superstitious or based on many truths or faiths. Cultures scoring low on this dimension believe in absolute truth. They (ex: Western countries) have a short-term orientation and a concern for immediate stability, which means they value actions that are affected by the past or the present (ex: normative statements, respect for tradition and reciprocation of favors and gifts). Those five dimensions describe tendencies and not precise characteristics of individuals. Consequently, a societys score should not be interpreted without no further reflection. Trompenaarss dimensions of culture According to Trompenaars, culture is a way a group of people act to solve problems. From three basics which are the relationship with others, time and environment, Trompenaars identifies seven fundamental dimensions of culture. His definition of culture is a mix between organizational and national cultures. He proceeded by using a database which contained more than 30000 survey results so that he could analyse the seven dimensions of culture. Universalism vs. Particularism In universalistic cultures, people share the belief that general rules, codes, values and standards are much more important than needs, claims and relations. On the contrary, in a particularistic culture, people think that human relationships are more important than rules and codes. They are not against rules, they just aim at showing that everybody can count on their friends. Rules come after human aspects. Individualism vs. Collectivism (Communitarianism) In individualistic cultures, people place the community after the individual, which is definitely the contrary in a communitarian culture. People are autonomous in the first case, they can take decisions, they can take care of them and their family on their own. In the second case, people are responsible for the good functioning of the society and are the representation of the health of a society considering his degree of involvement in the development of the society. Neutral vs. Affective Relationships People in an affective culture can show up there emotions and their feelings. They do not have to hide them and people from this type of culture sometimes interpret less explicit signals from neutral cultures. People in a neutral culture think that it is not correct to show emotions and feelings even if they have it. It is the degree of manifesting it which is limited and controlled. They might interpret signals from an affective culture as excited and too emotional. Specific vs. Diffuse Relationships People in specific cultures always start analyzing by small details, specific elements to finally put them together to have a global idea. They concentrate on facts, standards and contracts. They have a larger specific sphere than the private one (which is very difficult to enter in. On the contrary, people in diffuse cultures start analyzing the whole and then the elements, but in a perspective of the whole because all elements are linked to each other. In fact, the elements matter less than the link between them. They have a large private sphere and a small public one. Achievement vs. Ascription This cultural dimension is similar to the power distance dimension of Hofsede. In achievement cultures, people respect their colleagues basing their respect on anterior demonstration of knowledge and previous achievements. They do not look at the title of peoples job. In ascription cultures, people use their titles of job and respect their hierarchical superior. Time orientation He shows that meanings of past, present and future depend on cultures. For instance, people who have a past-oriented culture respect older people and are quite traditional whereas people who have a future-oriented culture enjoy discussing potential and future achievement. There is a second division of cultures possible thanks to time orientation which compares sequential and synchronic cultures. This dimension looks like a distribution of tasks in the time in a culture. People who have a sequential culture tend to do one activity at a time by following plans whereas people who have a synchronic culture can do many tasks and activities at a time by changing the subject at any time. Human-nature relationship: Internal vs. external control This last dimension lays the stress on the fact that cultures think that they control their environment and others think that they are controlled by it. In an internalistic culture like the United States, people believe that what happens to them is their own doing. Many Asian countries have an external culture in which the environment shapes their destiny. Because they dont believe they are in full control of their destinies, often externalistic people adapt to external circumstances. Comparison and criticism Hofstedes aim was to evaluate work values, while Trompenaars Hampden-Turners questionnaires inquired into respondents preferred behaviour in a number of both work and leisure situations. What both studies have in common is that in both questionnaires the focus is on the ultimate goal state, and that the underlying values, the underwater part of the culture iceberg, are derived from a series of questions about more outer layers of the culture onion, closer to the top of iceberg. Trompenaarss system appears focus-oriented; it speaks a lot about what is on peoples minds and what is in their sight, it speaks about the logical organization and framework of their behaviour (specific vs. diffuse, internal vs. external control, universalism vs. particularism) and relationships (individualism vs. collectivism; achievement vs. ascription; neutral vs. affective). Hofstede, on the other hand describes some of values present in people and finally affecting their behavior. The difference therefore is that Trompenaarss investigation lies on the surface of the investigation of the persons culture, showing exactly the choice and manner in which the actions are planned and handled, while Hofstede tries to go in the very deep of culture layers and lets us make our own forecasts of peoples behavior based on the knowledge of the hidden part of iceberg. Taking a closer look into the comparison between the dimensions themselves, we can notice similarities between the two theories. One of these is the closeness between the notions of collectivism vs. individualism of Hofstede and communitarianism vs. individualism of Trompenaars. For a marketer, from our point of view, there is close no difference which index to use. There is some degree of similarity in Hofstedes power distance index and achievement vs. ascription. One values the accepted degree of high class/low class lifestyle and secondary characteristics difference, while the other measures the motivation of the low class to move higher. A marketer can infer that customers are better evaluated with the high power distance index in relation of selling status-emphasizing products (like luxury brands), while Trompenaarss index is better used when selling low cost practical business tools (like cheap PDAs). We would advise to use the two indices together as they complement each other. Long-term vs. short-term orientation index of Hofstede has got something in common with the past/present/future orientation of Trompenaars. That is in the way, how i.e. short-term oriented cultures will show the same tendency to be populist, tradition-oriented as the past- and present-oriented cultures. After taking a look into evaluations of different cultures one can find that the results, obtained by the two theories are often counter logical. German corporate culture is hierarchical, as is claimed by Trompenaars in his studies. Whereas Hofstede identifies Germany as relatively low in terms of Power Distance. These differences in the approach attracted some serious criticism over the years. One of the most prominent points often criticized is Hofstede perception of culture as a static characteristic of societies and their representatives. This approach does not take into the account the cultural drift that can easily be observed as the time passes by. As a vivid example, one can take the comparison between, say, the UK of the Victorian age and the Post Second World War UK and just try to assess the Power Distance Indices. Apparently, over this period of time peoples behavior has altered enough to allow a society with a lot lower power distance, the expressions of which found their way in the art of the time as well as in the politics (Rise of the Labor Party in 1945-1951) people of lower class were have become conscious to demand equality in these dimensions with the former unapproachable higher class, the expression of wealth and power and respect to it have decreased, as well as PDI. S imilar drift patterns can now be observed today in some of the underdeveloped countries, like Mexico, where former strong collectivist communities are dissolving, as their member become more individualistic, pushed by their desire to be successful in the new highly commercialized society. The same can be said about political influence on the culture (transition from Communist to Capitalist values). In other words it is easily observable that through time cultures evolve. Therefore the estimations for indices are slowly becoming outdated. Hofstede was later pushed by this evidence to regularly update his Index database, still retorting that cultural evolution is a very slow process. However the problem that may be hard to identify is actually not the quantitative, but rather the qualitative obsolescence of the framework itself, that will sooner or later present itself. I.e. what was reasonable and precise description in the 1970s can be an incomplete, flawed and vague characterizatio n for 2010, and even more so for future. That is however just one of the many debatable things. Among the others are: Question interpretation of the surveyed, i.e. will the question really be a precise way to determine the culture, as the culture and personality may directly affect the way the question is translated and thus produce errors in the resulting evaluation. Researchers background diminishes the completeness of cultural description and offers one-sided look at the problem. This way it would be preferable for marketers to have a marketer, not a manager, to make the proper evaluations framework, which would be more suited for marketing decision making. Ignoring the ethnic group and communities presence, national culture fragmentation. Just saying that Germany has low UAC index may totally confuse the policymaker, as this does not differ between East, West and especially Turkish communities. Moreover, a study carried out only in only one company (Hofstede) cannot give an outlook on the entire cultural system of a country. The cultural dimensions in international marketing Why marketing uses the cultural dimensions? The Hofstede and Trompenaars cultural dimensions can be a useful tool for several themes, such as within the organization and the structure of a company or when trading with other countries. In fact, for those who works in an international business is essential to know the differences between countries and cultures. And moreover, cultural dimensions are also a helpful instrument for marketing purposes due to the fact that they facilitate the design of an optimum strategy. Each society has developed through the history a different culture where it is extremely important to take into account the different ways of communication and the usage and the meaning of the language. Actually, the markets can be segmented by cultural dimensions; consequently we can develop a marketing plan to exploit the common elements of these segments. Thus, we can affirm that in the international marketing, the success or failure of a campaign depends on the prior analysis of the environment. The cultural analysis can also provide various guides to develop the marketing strategy, in fact, when a company is entering in a new market, in a foreign market, it is necessary to study the population and the society, the history and the culture. There is some data that we can obtain by public sources of information, and other data that has to be collected by the company itself. Concerning the culture and the habits of the society in a certain country, we can use the cultural dimensions theory developed by the two professors as a guideline, but it is also necessary to make a specific study, for the reason that every product is different and it is important to analyze which is the greatest manner to promote a new product in a foreign country regarding the different cultural dimensions. How to apply the cultural dimensions in a marketing context? For instance, we know, thanks to the theory elaborated by Geert Hofstede, that United States has low power distance, in marketing terms that should be translated in commercials and promotions where the communication must be informal and friendly. In countries where the situation is totally different, the message for a new product must communicate that the product is well accepted in the society. These assumptions are the starting point, a part from them, the company will have to analyze the culture of the specific country itself taking into account the new product to be launched and thus create a commercial and a campaign with great results in that market. However, a company has two options: to adapt the marketing strategy to each culture by using the cultural dimensions or to try to change the culture. For example: in Japan, people is used to subtle publicity campaigns, nevertheless , when Procter Gamble started to sell its products there, the company launched a very aggressive campaign that first shake all the Japanese society, but later it was copied by other Japanese companies. Procter Gamble changed part of the culture. Contribution of culture in international marketing In our fast moving world, local markets are not big enough for companies willing to have more profits. The future of each company that wants to be more important than its competitors is to go internationally. Selling a product wont be the more complicated things that companies will have to face while going internationally but the cultural adaptation will be the hardest thing. There are different kinds of adaptation, the product adaptation, the administrative and law adaptation and the cultural adaptation that means the situations where you meet a client or you create a subsidiary elsewhere. The five dimensions, which are (cf 1, 4 in bibliography) PDI, IDV, MAS, UAI and LTO come from an analysis done by Geert Hofstede while working at IBM and trying to understand the employees attitudes at IBM worldwide. Actually, it is important to know that the 5 cultural dimensions of GH help individuals and companies to understand, analyse and compare the culture of different countries. With the GH analysis, we are trying to define the culture. One of the goals of GH is to help to take into consideration the differences in the way of thinking, to react and act between the different people in the world. According to GH each country generates its own management system. Example with Accenture Bands: For Luxembourg, United-Kingdom, France. * With the Fons Trompenaars analysis (cf. 3 in biblio.), we are seeing that even if each culture owns its main features, it remains a cultural identity toward each individual, as for each company, which allows to adapt into every context. By completing itselves, these different cultural orientations (for instance in the relationship with the group, with the individual, with the environment or even with the time), are no more impediments for the common work (within different groups) but become on the other hand the best key factors to carry out successfully. FT helps more the companies to develop and create their own intercultural management. Each company has indeed its own management style or cultural organizational structure. The use of both theories The Use of Fons Trompenaars theory In Fons Trompenaars theory, there are two kinds of people, which is universalism and particularism. Americans, Canadians, Australian all belong to the first group, and Chinese, Korean and other Asian all belong to the second group. Take ERP as an example, the first group will accept the ERP system as the best way to conduct the project, and members of the second group will think that they are different from each other, so when ERP works in China, it is most important for the managers to deal with average workers, if not so, the whole system may fail at last. And the theory is also applicable in the field of education, for example, English education in Chinese schools and other western countries is different since the different culture and language system. It is the same with other fields, like business, communication, the cultural differences are more and more important. The use of Geert Hofstede theory According to Geert Hofstede theory, there are different ways of management because of different cultures, for example, American cooperation always pay more attention to the individuals, and the third world countries is the opposite, so if an American firms operating abroad, it must consider the this kind of cultural differences, taking the employees into consideration and emphasize the loyalty, which can help to get success. The structure of organization is also influenced by the cultural differences, for example, Germans always avoid the risk, so rules and regulations seems to be more important, however, in America, people prefer to taking risk, so people enjoy more freedom. According to the theory, Hofstede also shows that if the manager ignore the cultural differences, there will be something wrong with the communication, morale and have a negative effect on the final result in the end. Conclusion As described in this paper, there are several approaches to the classification of the cultures of different nations. The ones that were observed closely here are Geert Hofstedes and Fons Trompenaarss classifications, so-called cultural dimensions. These, as shown have a number of things in common and many differences as well. Thus, a marketer has to make a decision, which part of which study is to be used to develop a successful strategy. However there is little doubt that some way of adapting the strategy to the local culture is to be used. We may live in a globalized enviroment, however, so far there is no mundial culture and different clusters of people, whether they are separated geographically, historically or socially; some may choose one product instead of the other because of their culture and values. All of that is to be taken into consideration. And there are so far not many standartised approaches to the culture evaluations, other than Hofstedes and Trompenaarss, which eco nomise time and enable the creation of a consolidated strategy in approach to culture. It is not surprising that some of the companies nowadays are already fully involved in applying these methods in their decision making, and the amount of them will inevitably grow as the studies of the theories are being held in many Universities and Business Schools, from wich the future excecutives will come. However one has to rememember, that both these method are quite controversial and obviously imperfect, therefore we should learn learn to use the questionnaires and the databases responsibly. Only in this way can they provide precise, trustworhy and calculated assistance to people learning to work effectively in other countries. Bibliography/Information Sources/Webography Books and articles Hofstede, Geert. Cultures Consequences, Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations; Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publications 2001. Geert Hofstede, Cultures and Organizations, Software of the mind, 1992. The multicultural company, Fons Trompenaars, 1993, Paris, Maxima. Global marketing and advertising. Understanding cultural paradoxes; Marieke Mooij; edition of 2009 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½The Use and Misuse of Questionnaires in Intercultural Trainingà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ article by John W. Bing à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Hofstede Culturally questionable?à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ article by M. L. Jones, 2007 Oxford Business Economics Conference à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Intercultural/Cross-Cultural Training: Rejecting Hofstede and Trompenaarsà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½- arti

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Abortion Essay - Roe v. Wade and Morality -- Argumentative Persuasive

Roe v. Wade and Morality   Ã‚   Michael Pearce Pfeifer in "Abandoning Error: Self-Correction by the Supreme Court," states the impact of Roe v. Wade on morals:    Seldom, if ever, has a single Supreme Court decision so decisively transformed American constitutional history or so altered the relationship between law and morals - both public and private. Roe v. Wade established within the Constitution a doctrine that has entirely legitimized what had previously been almost universally condemned: the practice of abortion on demand throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Such precedent setting decisions are usually derived from the social, economic, political, and legal philosophy of the majority of the Justices who make up the Court, and also represent a segment of the American population at a given time in history. Seldom has a Supreme Court decision sliced so deeply into the basic fabric that composes the tapestry and direction of American law or instigated such profound changes in cherished rights, values, and personal prerogatives of individuals: the right to privacy, the structure of the family, the status of medical technology and its impact upon law and life, and the authority of state governments to protect the lives of their citizens.(3-4)    The far-reaching impact of Roe v. Wade derives from one cause: Every abortion involves, either surgically or chemically, the destruction of a human zygote or a human fetus, and the subsequent removal of that human life from his/her mother's womb. Therefore, every single abortion ends a human life.    There are many who say that the preborn child is just a mass of tissue, a part of the woman's body. If this were the case, then no one would have any reason to o... ...oks, 1981. p.213.    Pfeifer, Michael Pearce. "Abandoning Error: Self-Correction by the Supreme Court." Abortion and the Constitution: Reversing Roe v. Wade Through the Courts. Horan, Grant, Cunningham, eds. Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1987.    Reinis, Stanislaw and Jerome M. Goldman. The Development of the Brain. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publishers, 1980.    Rockwell, P.E.,M.D. Director of Anesthesiology, Leonard Hospital, Troy, NY, U.S. Supreme Court, Markle vs. Abele, 72-56, 72-730, 1972. P.11       The Silent Scream. Cleveland, OH: American Portrait Films, 1984.    Tanner, J.M. and G.R. Taylor, Time-Life Books. Growth, New York: Life Science Life, 1965. p.64.    U.S. Congress. Subcommittee on Separation of Powers to Senate Judiciary Committee S-158, 97th Congress, 1st Session 1981. p.7

Monday, November 11, 2019

Boundaries of Freedom

The human rights of an individual play a very important role in his or her everyday life. The right to life, liberty, property, and freedom of speech are just some of the human rights that an individual is entitled to. He or she should have these inalienable rights for the very reason that he or she is a human being and he or she needs these in order to live a life with decency and dignity. Nevertheless, the freedom and rights that people have sometimes tends to conflict with the rights of others.This is due to the fact that individuals have different interests that sometimes overlap or create disagreement among people. As a result, the exercise of an individual’s freedom and human rights also has its limitations. The boundaries of freedom are observable in time of national crisis as well as in the government’s operation to give secure its citizens from harmful threats. In time of national crisis, the security of the citizens of a particular country is greatly challenge d.This is also the instance by which the government needs to exercise more than ever their authority to safeguard the rights and protect its citizens. Due to this, the boundaries in the freedom of people are most observable. In most countries especially in democratic ones, the government acquires its authority because the people entrusted them to uphold and protect their rights. In this sense, the government has the responsibility to lead and protect the people. The decisions and actions that they need to do in time of national crisis entails that it should be for the good of the greater number of people (Semonche, 2002).If the practice of an individual’s right will jeopardize the welfare of many people then the government have to do the necessary action to address this issue including preventing the individual to practice such right. Simply put, the limitation of an individual’s freedom is seen when he or she infringe upon the rights of another. During instances when the security of the people are threatened like in terrorist attacks, the government should do the possible means necessary in order to combat those violent perpetrators.However, the government should be mindful that they should not infringe upon the freedom and personal rights of the people. They should see to it that in times of operations or war, the innocent bystanders should not be involved. They have to make sure that there should be very minimal numbers of civilian casualties (Semonche, 2002). Moreover, the government should know their limitations. The government should always keep in mind that in every operation that they will make the greater good for the majority of the people should be implemented.Lastly, before entering into any armed combat they should be sure that it is a just war wherein the result is greater than damage it will inflict while in the state of war. Reference Semonche, J. (2002). Constitutional Rights in Times of National Crisis: An Historical Perspective . Retrieve February 24, 2009, from http://www. ibiblio. org/semche/history/civlib. html. http://www. ibiblio. org/semche/history/civlib. html http://www. un. org/News/Press/docs/2004/gashc3793. doc. htm http://www. campus-watch. org/article/id/891

Friday, November 8, 2019

20 Brilliant Winston Churchill Quotations

20 Brilliant Winston Churchill Quotations Listed below are twenty Winston Churchill quotations that we found amusing and insightful. After you get over the initial abruptness of these quotations, you will begin to see a deep underlying meaning. Strength Today we may say aloud before an awe-struck world: We are still masters of our fate. We are still captain of our souls. Never give in- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others. There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result. Truth There are a lot of lies going around... and half of them are true. In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies. A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is. Humor I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Golf is a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole, with weapons singularly ill-designed for the purpose. This report, by its very length, defends itself against the risk of being read. We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. We are all worms. But I believe that I am a glow-worm. Leadership However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. When I am abroad I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the Government of my country. I make up for lost time when I am at home. The price of greatness is responsibility. If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce. Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Delphi Record Helpers For Sets and Other Simple Types

Delphi Record Helpers For Sets and Other Simple Types Understanding Delphi Class (and Record) Helpers introduces a feature of the Delphi language allowing you to extend the definition of a class or a record type by adding functions and procedures (methods) to existing classes and records without inheritance. In XE3 Delphi version, record helpers became more powerful by allowing to extend simple Delphi types like strings, integers, enums, sets and alike. The System.SysUtils unit, from Delphi XE3, implements a record named TStringHelper which is actually a record helper for strings. Using Delphi XE3 you can compile and use the next code: var s : string; begin s : Delphi XE3; s.Replace(XE3, rules, []).ToUpper; end; For this to be possible, a new construct was made in Delphi record helper for [simple type]. For strings, this is type TStringHelper record helper for string. The name states record helper but this is not about extending records - rather about extending simple types like strings, integers and alike. In System and System.SysUtils there are other predefined record helpers for simple types, including: TSingleHelper, TDoubleHelper, TExtendedHelper, TGuidHelper (and a few others). You can get from the name what simple type the helper extends. There are also some handy open source helpers, like TDateTimeHelper. Enumerations? Helper for Enumerations? enumerations sets Enumerations and sets being treated as simple types can also now (in XE3 and beyond) be extended with functionality a record type can have: functions, procedures and alike. Heres a simple enumeration (TDay) and a record helper: type TDay (Monday 0, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); TDayHelper record helper for TDay function AsByte : byte; function ToString : string; end; function TDayHelper.AsByte: byte; begin result : Byte(self); end; function TDayHelper.ToString: string; begin case self of Monday: result : Monday; Tuesday: result : Tuesday; Wednesday: result : Wednesday; Thursday: result : Thursday; Friday: result : Friday; Saturday: result : Saturday; Sunday: result : Sunday; end; end; var aDay : TDay; s : string; begin aDay : TDay.Monday; s : aDay.ToString.ToLower; end; convert a Delphi Enum to a String Representation Sets? Helper for Sets? TDays set of TDay; var days : TDays; s : string; begin days : [Monday .. Wednesday]; days : days [Sunday]; end; BUT, how GREAT would it be to be able to do: var days : TDays; b : boolean; begin days : [Monday, Tuesday] b : days.Intersect([Monday, Thursday]).IsEmpty; type TDaysHelper record helper for TDays function Intersect(const days : TDays) : TDays; function IsEmpty : boolean; end; ... function TDaysHelper.Intersect(const days: TDays): TDays; begin result : self * days; end; function TDaysHelper.IsEmpty: boolean; begin result : self []; end; For every set type constructed around an enumeration you would need to have a separate helper as, unfortunately, enumerations and sets do not go along generics and generic types. This means that the following cannot be compiled: //NO COMPILE OF ALIKE! TGenericSet set of T : [?Enumeration?]; TEnum Simple generics Enum example Record Helper For Set Of Byte! type TByteSet set of Byte; TByteSetHelper record helper for TByteSet We can have the following in the definition of the TByteSetHelper: public procedure Clear; procedure Include(const value : Byte); overload; inline; procedure Include(const values : TByteSet); overload; inline; procedure Exclude(const value : Byte); overload; inline; procedure Exclude(const values : TByteSet); overload; inline; function Intersect(const values : TByteSet) : TByteSet; inline; function IsEmpty : boolean; inline; function Includes(const value : Byte) : boolean; overload; inline; function Includes(const values : TByteSet) : boolean; overload; inline; function IsSuperSet(const values : TByteSet) : boolean; inline; function IsSubSet(const values : TByteSet) : boolean; inline; function Equals(const values : TByteSet) : boolean; inline; function ToString : string; inline; end; { TByteSetHelper } procedure TByteSetHelper.Include(const value: Byte); begin System.Include(self, value); end; procedure TByteSetHelper.Exclude(const value: Byte); begin System.Exclude(self, value); end; procedure TByteSetHelper.Clear; begin self : []; end; function TByteSetHelper.Equals(const values: TByteSet): boolean; begin result : self values; end; procedure TByteSetHelper.Exclude(const values: TByteSet); begin self : self - values; end; procedure TByteSetHelper.Include(const values: TByteSet); begin self : self values; end; function TByteSetHelper.Includes(const values: TByteSet): boolean; begin result : IsSuperSet(values); end; function TByteSetHelper.Intersect(const values: TByteSet) : TByteSet; begin result : self * values; end; function TByteSetHelper.Includes(const value: Byte): boolean; begin result : value in self; end; function TByteSetHelper.IsEmpty: boolean; begin result : self []; end; function TByteSetHelper.IsSubSet(const values: TByteSet): boolean; begin result : self values; end; function TByteSetHelper.IsSuperSet(const values: TByteSet): boolean; begin result : self values; end; function TByteSetHelper.ToString: string; var b : Byte; begin for b in self do result : result IntToStr(b) , ; result : Copy(result, 1, -2 Length(result)); end; var daysAsByteSet : TByteSet; begin daysAsByteSet.Clear; daysAsByteSet.Include(Monday.AsByte); daysAsByteSet.Include(Integer(Saturday); daysAsByteSet.Include(Byte(TDay.Tuesday)); daysAsByteSet.Include(Integer(TDay.Wednesday)); daysAsByteSet.Include(Integer(TDay.Wednesday)); //2nd time - no sense daysAsByteSet.Exclude(TDay.Tuesday.AsByte); ShowMessage(daysAsByteSet.ToString); ShowMessage(BoolToStr(daysAsByteSet.IsSuperSet([Monday.AsByte,Saturday.AsByte]), true)); end; Theres a but :( Note that TByteSet accepts byte values - and any such value would be accepted here. The TByteSetHelper as implemented above is not enumeration type strict (i.e. you can feed it with a non TDay value) ... but as long as I am aware .. it does work for me.